I have decided to share with you my training plan. Plus in importat cases, there will be a weight which I have used.
So... Here it comes. The mighty back...
29.6. Monday - Back, biceps
warm up: 1st series 8 x 50 kg, 2nd 8 x 90 kg, 3rd 8 x 110 kg
working series: 4 series by 6 repetitions with 160 kg
It was kinda easy, so next time I should put more weight.
Bent-over row
4 working series 8 repetition each: 1st 60 kg, 2,3,4 80kg
Seated rows
4 working series: 1st 8 x 80 kg, 2nd 8 x 85 kg 3rd 4th 6x 85kg
Chin ups (wide grip, focused on muscle tension)
4 working series with maximum I was able to do (don't laugt :D I did about 6-4)
4 working series with maximum I was able to do (don't laugt :D I did about 6-4)
Lat pull down
4 working series 8 repetition each
Preacher curl
4 working series 10 repetition each, after every series I add 2,5 kg and rest just for 30 seconds
Barbell curl with EZ bar in superset with barbell curl with dumbels
3 working series max. repetition each EZ bar 15 kg dumbels 10kg
Next time you I will take some pictures =)
Have a nice day gym rats and enjoy the weights!
Have a nice day gym rats and enjoy the weights!