úterý 30. června 2015

Fear the back

Hello the internet =)

I have decided to share with you my training plan. Plus in importat cases, there will be a weight which I have used.

So... Here it comes. The mighty back...

29.6. Monday - Back, biceps

Deadlift (no belt, conventional)
warm up: 1st series 8 x 50 kg, 2nd 8 x 90 kg, 3rd 8 x 110 kg
working series: 4 series by 6 repetitions with 160 kg
It was kinda easy, so next time I should put more weight.

Bent-over row

4 working series 8 repetition each: 1st 60 kg, 2,3,4 80kg

Seated rows
 4 working series: 1st 8 x 80 kg, 2nd 8 x 85 kg 3rd 4th 6x 85kg

Chin ups (wide grip, focused on muscle tension)
4 working series with maximum I was able to do (don't laugt :D I did about 6-4)

Lat pull down 
4 working series 8 repetition each

Preacher curl 
4 working series 10 repetition each, after every series I add 2,5 kg and rest just for 30 seconds
Barbell curl with EZ bar in superset with barbell curl with dumbels
3 working series max. repetition each EZ bar 15 kg dumbels 10kg

Next time you I will take some pictures =)
Have a nice day gym rats and enjoy the weights!

Say hello to the internet, boy

Hello the internet...

And welcome on my blog about gym rat's lifestyle, which includes many many unhealthy habits, socially unrespectable things like eating on inappropriate places like opera or a bus... (trying to be funny...sorry I will never try it again!). Next! Lifting heavy things to feel muscle pain the next day, sweating, going to party, drinking alcohol, sweating (I know I have already mentioned it, but you must know it's absolutely normal to sweat a lot). Eating green things, buying clothes you can throw away, when you start bulking and many more...

So yeah... Thats pretty much it.

I hope you will enjoy my... em... something...
And in case you find some mistakes, remember... English is not my native language, so I can swear in other language!